Our superior quality tinctures contain a proprietary blend of American grown Phytocannabinoid Rich Hemp CBD Oil with no detectable traces of THC. It is infused the finest hemp seed oil, fractionated coconut oil, ActivAloe and superior pure essential oils (for delicate flavoring).

All products start with highest potency and concentration of any CBD on the market (approx. 70% to 80% range). Hemp is grown, specifically cultivated for CBD extraction under the Colorado Department of Agriculture supervision.

Our CBD is processed in California using a whole plant natural subcritical CO2 extraction, utilizing low temperature and pressures, retaining significantly more oils, preserving high-performance terpenes & full spectrum cannabinoids.

Most other CBD companies import their products out of Europe, Canada and China. Overseas Hemp is typically grown for “industrial” use (IE: rope & fibers) and CBD is merely considered to be a by-product with lessor efficacy.

“Others” are processed with alcohols or ethanol at high pressures and heated, then evaporated into a less-potent isolate (like “freeze-dry”) that has to be “reconstituted.”

Our hemp plants are grown specifically to provide the highest concentration and CBD potency. This is why our customers report much higher performance of our CBD versus competitors.

Serving Factors: weight, metabolism, diet, condition and severity

CBD can be extremely beneficial reducing many chronic and debilitating ailments. The easiest and most effective delivery method is administered under the tongue, where it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, bypassing pulmonary system (lungs) and digestive system that can lessen the desired effects.

The right CBD serving is unique to each individual. What works for one may not be enough for another. Additionally, factors can change from day-to-day, or even from hour-to-hour based upon at-the-time conditions.

Finding your best CBD serving may take some experimentation. Start with less. You can always take more as studies suggest, CBD is nearly impossible to use too much when used sensibly. Experiment with a certain serving for three 3 days giving your body and/or mind to respond. Record your experience down to fine tune what works for you and adjust up or down accordingly for the next three-day period.