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Jami Lin's Magic Moment

Savor these...they are the joy in life. Combine these little wonders and be happy all the time!

I was on my way to do something that was surrounded by unpleasantness (you know, the once in a while "have-to's," which fortunately, I have very few). Groaning to myself about the drive in traffic, having to go downtown, having to find parking blocks away from my final destination, and then finding the building in the mass of concrete, anticipating the worst (as my humanness slipped into half-empty instead of half-full), I went though a toll booth on the expressway.

What I said to the toll man, I can't begin to remember. As he handed me my change, he said, "You will have all that you want from this lifetime as you are such a nice woman."

Immediately I said gratitude prayers for my life and all its blessings (even with its imperfections) and felt lucky! I was reminded of the stories of being nice to the beggar on the street as you never know when one may be an angel.the toll booth guy had to have been an angel.

The awareness he brought in that brief magical moment confirmed my belief, in the midst of adversity, the light will shine if you take a minute to see it.